Use for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, job-hunting, and more.
Business Insights: Global (database unavailable)
Access to Business Insights Global is no longer available. See our new database Business Source Elite.
Business Source Elite
A selection of business disciplines, offering access to full-text journals, along with abstracted and indexed journals.
Demographics Now
Robust and highly detailed demographic data. Ideal for gaining consumer and market insight and creating reports.
Gale Business Entrepreneurship (database unavailable)
Access to Gale Business Entrepreneurship is no longer available. See our new database Small Business Source.
Legal Forms
Official state, federal, business, personal, real estate, and general forms covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues.
Data and analyst reports on mutual funds and stocks.
Public Records Electronic Database
Search public records for new home purchases, new business starts, foreclosures, sales, and bankruptcies for Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties in Illinois.
Small Business Source
State-specific resources with demographic data and other information to meet the needs of small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Standard & Poor’s Net Advantage
Combines eleven Standard and Poor’s investment products including Stock Reports, the Outlook, Industry Surveys, Bond Guide, and Mutual Funds.
Start Up Business Binder (PDF)
A one-stop-shop info guide for entrepreneurs getting into business. Get your business questions answered and connect with local entrepreneur support networks in Lake County, IL. This informational guide is designed to help prospective and early-stage entrepreneurs hit the ground running.
Tax Information
Compiled by CMPLD librarians. Includes links to federal and state forms, resources for help, and free AARP tax appointment information.
Connects you to thousands of on-demand video courses for the most in-demand skills taught by top instructors across 75 categories in business, technology, design, and more.
Value Line
Investment advice on the stock market, industries, and the economy.
See our Business Services page for more resources and information for local businesses.