In his most recent book, It’s. Nice. Outside., Jim Kokoris has created a big hot mess of a family traveling to another state for a family wedding. Everything that could go wrong, does and then some. Although this premise could lead to a depressing or sappy book, Kokoris has written a heart-warming, life-affirming, laugh-out-loud story of a group of wounded people trying to forgive themselves and each other.
Complicating as well as enriching this family is the youngest child, 19-year-old Ethan who is autistic. After reading this book, I was sure that Kokoris must have someone in his family with autism because only someone who knows and loves someone with a disability could create such a realistic character. I later learned that the author does, in fact, have an adult son with autism. The challenges faced by each family member causes them to re-evaluate their priorities and think about each other in new ways. The reader is left with a sense of admiration for their courage and some optimism for their future.
You can meet Jim Kokoris and hear him discuss his book at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 14 at Aspen Drive Library, 701 Aspen Dr., Vernon Hills. Books will be available for sale and signing. Register here or call the library at 847-362-2330. We hope to see you there.
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