The Lake County (IL) Genealogical Society will have a Wall of Honor at its Annual Fall Workshop on November 11, 2017 to honor its many members and relatives who have served or are serving our country in the military.
This Wall of Honor is for all veterans of all wars of the U.S. and for those who served in peace time, starting with the Revolutionary War, and continuing to the present day.
Send a photo (jpeg format) and narrative (MSWord) by email to the society with “Wall of Honor – (last name of vet)” as the subject line.
The narrative should include:
Name of Veteran (or current service person)
Relationship to you
Birth and death years (Do not send dates if the person is living)
Branch of service and rank
Where the person lived when he joined the military
Where the person served
What the person did in the military
War in which he or she served (or years of service)
Please state if he or she died in the military
What a wonderful way to honor the service people connected to this organization.
Deadline is October 15, 2017.
Categories: Genealogy
Tags: Genealogy